Pineapple Water Kefir


I couldn’t pass up the Pineapple sales this week! Lacto-Fermented Pineapple Salsa is fermenting on the counter. Sometimes we use the rinds to make Tepache...a fermented beverage...but this time the rinds went to the compost bin because they weren’t organic pineapples. We saved the cores to flavor our water kefir. Water kefir is another fermented beverage made by using particles of bacteria called ‘grains’. A first ferment is completed with the grains added to water and sugar along with some minerals to feed the grains. In this case we added a couple of raisins and a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt. After 24 to 48 hours the grains and minerals are strained out and fruit, vegetables and spices are added for flavor. Water kefir can be made in pressure treated bottles to create a fizzy beverage and is a healthy substitute for pop but care needs to be taken to prevent bottle explosions. We choose to use mason jars with plastic storage lids to create a refreshing and mildly effervescent beverage.